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What is Tantra/ Tantra Session?

Tantra is a philosophy and set of practices that are specifically designed to help us understand human nature as it relates to our sexuality and spirituality. The goal is to increase awareness of our sexual energy and that of our partner. The path that Tantra uses to these ends is to explore the congestive, conflicted roles that ego and religious inhibitions play in our lives and to rid ourselves of these allowing us to celebrate sexuality without guilt or shame.

Tantra focuses on energy centers called Chakras which are energy centers located in the body between the pelvis and the top of the head. Each Chakra is associated with the endocrine system and determines our overall health, mentally, physically and spiritually. The smooth flow of energy in our bodies can get stuck somewhere in the system… blocked from moving freely or depleted for a variety of reasons. Tantric practice works toward keeping energy flowing through us smoothly and naturally. 

Each person's experience will be unique and tailored to your needs, for some the focus will be on the physical effects of letting go, relaxing, and receiving unconditional loving. The way Tantra is experienced is as varied as individuals themselves and so there is no right or wrong way to receive, I do not 'push' any particular aspect, but simply listen and allow and support whatever the receivers experience is in any particular session.


 I am a Buddhist and study his teaching through His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I am a recovering Catholic and went my own way when I was 14. I do not push my religion on others.



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